Summative Evaluation
Summative evaluation occurs at the end of the evaluation period. It is comparable to your own annual performance evaluation, which typically determines if you receive a pay raise. The faculty is responsible for the summative evaluation of each student. The preceptor and student contribute feedback about the student's performance. The Capstone clinical practicum "grade" is either a "pass" or a "fail," and the faculty will determine it with input from both you and the student. The preceptor, student, and faculty will remain in continual communication about the student's performance throughout the Capstone period through feedback provided on the Evaluation Tool, student reflection assignments, face-to-face communication, text, email, and phone conversations. There should not be surprises for any of the participants during the summative evaluation.
The Evaluation Tool
An evaluation tool allows the preceptor to document student competency with course outcomes. In addition to course competencies, students are expected to master the interprofessional collaboration competency: Each student is an individual who:
- Demonstrates knowledge of and commitment to interprofessional values,
- Demonstrates knowledge and integration of interprofessional team meeting responsibilities,
- Demonstrates knowledge and integration of interprofessional communication, and
- Demonstrates knowledge and integration of practices to support effective teams and teamwork.
Review the partial example below of the competency evaluation form.
Students must be scored a minimum of two (2) times over the course of their experience. (Example: for a student working 12-hour shifts, score after the 4th or 5th shift, and before or during the 9th shift.)